Crazy Quilting
There are two types of Crazy Quilting techniques to address in this section - Traditional Crazy Quilting and Deconstructed Crazy Quilting.
The Traditional approach relies on irregular piecing, often starting with a five-sided piece of fabric, ornate embellishments and fancy hand embroidery stitches.
The Deconstructed version takes elements from the traditional approach but puts them together in a new and different way. You can fray or pink the edges of the fabric pieces for a more organic look, add embellishments and use the sewing machine for the fancy stitching. The fabrics are arranged more randomly and laid on a piece of fusible interfacing and when positioned to the quilter's satisfaction, the fabrics are fused to the interfacing before the embellishments and decorative stitching are added.
Traditional Crazy Quilting - Annette
Annette is an amazing hand embroiderer and her work shows well here. There is an elaborate center motif that looks as if it includes silk ribbon embroidery as well as thread embroidered elements.
Deconstructed Crazy Quilting - Sue
Four fabrics with frayed edges sewed, leaving raw edges exposed. Wandering lines of black embroidery floss with tiny snail shells along the way.
Sue |
Traditional Crazy Quilting - Sue
Four fabrics in varying shape pieces Hand work includes rock glass and gold bugle beads in "broach" design. Rock edge border. Black and orange hand embroidery work. Brown vine with white beads and leaf outlines. Gold strands bound to fabric to create frames between pieces of fabrics.
Sue |
Traditional Crazy Quilting - Joyce
Joyce has pieced this traditionally, starting with a five-sided center, and added hand stitching, hand embroidery, laces and trims, ribbons, a silk ribbon rose in the upper right and a swatch of scalloped lace in the lower right. Note the small elephant in the lower right corner above the scalloped lace. Somers NY, Joyce's hometown, is the cradle of the American circus and a statue of Old Bet, reputedly the first African elephant brought to the USA, stands as a memorial to her. The elephant is the town symbol and Joyce has remembered her as well.
Deconstructed Crazy Quilting - Joyce
The fabrics have been randomly arranged with some edges frayed and some edges pinked. Joyce has employed several patterned machine stitches on this piece, notably the scalloped line of stitching on the left side, next to the deconstructed patches. She has a stitched tree in the lower left corner, trimmed with beads, she outline stitched the center flowers, added leaves to the machine stitched tree in the lower right corner. She added interesting stitching on the patch on the upper right along with short bugle beads. Pinked edges adds to the organic feel. Buttons, beads, charms and an edge finish with yarn completes this piece.
Joyce |
Traditional Crazy Quilting - Kathleen
Kathleen has used a variety of decorative machine stitches to set off her fabric pieces and added two large buttons as a decorative accent as well as some smaller beads and ribbons, finishing with a traditional binding to complete the piece.
Deconstructed Crazy Quilting - Kathleen
Kathleen used programmed machine stitches, added beads, sequins and small buttons to embellish the piece.
Traditional Crazy Quilting - Claire
I used a variety of buttons and beads, a fancy ribbon yarn, some charms and a leafy trim as well as a hand-embroidered daisy and line of embroidery along a seam line and finished with a traditional binding edged on the inside with an eyelash thread. I love the doodads!

Deconstructed Crazy Quilting - Claire
I pinked all the edges of my fabrics used in this piece, then stitched them down with a gold colored thread using a wavy machine stitching line in both directions across the quilt. I stitched the sinuous line of leaves down the left side and sewed funky (organic) buttons across the bottom. I sewed the butterfly to the top right section and used Gel Medium to glue the assortment of red buttons on the top left, the bird in the center and gears on the right side. Gel Medium works really well as an adhesive, a little bit goes a long way. I found a little acrylic block with a saying on it that I particularly like - "The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" and as a bonus, the back side of it has a strong adhesive so I could just press it in place. I felt the quilt needed one more element and I wanted something different than what was already there, so I tangled some threads and couched them in place on the left side.I stitched a black and gold ribbon around the outer edge to finish the quilt.

Traditional Crazy Quilting - Donnie
This is a combo piece with traditional pieced crazy quilt with hand embroidery added. I was inspired by a cloudy, snowy day in Stillwater, with the embroidery all in white to represent snow.
Decontructed Crazy Quilting and Lutradur - Donnie
Donnie has combined her deconstructed piece with Lutradur flowers for a lovely combination of techniques. Her yarn edging finished the piece off well, and with flare.